Friday, August 19, 2011


OK So totally NOT related to my blog topic AT ALL but last week I ordered 2 bags from Matt & Nat and today I got my package!!! The only thing is....instead of getting 2 bags...there were 9 in the box!!!  I got the 2 I ordered but an additional 8 of one style.  SO WEIRD!!!  First thing that went in to my mind was 'OMG I ORDERED 8???'  After double checking the bill and calling our credit card to see what the recent charges were...we realized that it must have been a mistake on Matt & Nat's part.  Second thing that went through mine and Ed's mind?? YAY FREE STUFF (hey, it's only human!!).  But within 2 seconds my tummy started churning and I KNEW there's NO WAY I can keep them or even think of selling them for profit.  I have to give them back.  I will call them Monday to let them know.  HOWEVER, if they want me to send them back I will only do so if they send me money first for the way am I coughing up the costs to ship them back when it was THEIR fault.  I think that's fair enough.  I'd just give them away to friends.  

Anyways here's photos of my random adventure HAHA 

My package!!!
I was confused by the multiple bundles! 
WHOA!!! There's only 8 here because I was trying one on. 


  1. Holy cow... I've gotten the accidental 1 or 2 extra items by accident but 8??? Someone must have been smoking something at that distribution center :)

  2. I know right??? It's Tuesday now and still no call from them!!!!
