Thursday, July 14, 2011

Yummy Mummy!

So this blog is a semi-guest blogger post!  I recently met and started following Sara's log 'Miss Ahn's Beauty Reviews' and we've become friends on Facebook.  I asked her if she could do up a post giving tips on how to be a Yummy Mummy after giving birth. 

 I came up with this idea because a good friend of mine were talking one day and we were saying how we reallllllly hope that when we become mothers we don't totally just let ourselves 'go' (as in stop caring about the way we look, dressed, smelled....).  Just because you're a new mom does NOT mean you need to look like a hot mess right??  I know priorities will change once a baby is in your life but we still need to maintain our own personal styles and sense of self.  This post was done for those new moms out there who want/need a beauty boost!!  Head on over to Sara's blog for the latest reviews of the latest beauty products and tips! **You'll have to click on it to see it's rather small...** 
I'm thinking later on when I AM a new mom I should get Sara to do a makeover on me and we can post about THAT!! So fun!!


  1. Thanks for letting me post on your blog Daisy! You are so sweet!
    And about your last comment haha I'm not a professional makeup artist but I do love putting makeup on other people hehe! I've done my mom and my sister's makeup before hehe! :)

  2. You're very welcome Sara!!! I LOVE having guest bloggers cuz I think it gives readers more variety!!! Plus there are sooo many other talented writers/bloggers out there who have way more experience than I do so it gives me a chance to learn!!!

    HAHA I don't care that you're not a 'professional' makeup artist!!! Your make up in your photos are always done beautifully anyways!!! We'll talk more AFTER I become a Mommy and we can do another project together!!!
