Tuesday, June 28, 2011

TTC Update...

Hey everyone! Just wanted to update you all on our TTC journey!  I know I've been really preoccupied lately with NON-TTC things and I've had a LOT of guest bloggers but I just wanted to drop in with an update!  

Early last week I surged so we were busy doing baby dances all week HAHA  I'm basically just waiting for the TWW period to come and go.  I'm probably going to take a pregnancy test after July 6th since Aunt Flo began her visit on June 6th.  I'll probably test every other day until either Aunt Flo arrives again or if I get a positive!!  
I've had TONS of butterflies in my tummy since last week but I'm really interested to know how early people usually get symptoms.  I know I can just Google but I wanna hear real life stories!!!!  Please share!!!  
School's out in 3 days and that means I'll get 2 months off work!!!!! WOOHOO!!!  Ed and I have SO much on the agenda for the summer I'm so excited!! I'll have TONS to blog about in the coming days! Here's just some upcoming blogs to look forward to....
-Whistler for Canada Day Long Weekend
 -Family photo proofs from yesterday's shoot
-Our 2 year anniversary is July 11th
-Ed's 29th birthday on July 15th
-3 weddings we'll be attending over the summer
-Possible trip to Victoria/Calgary/Portland/Seattle
And of course...we really HOPE to have good news on here soon!!!!!


  1. I had pregnancy symptoms before I could actually get a positive pregnancy test. So I was pregnant about a week and I already could feel a difference in my breasts. Its a different kind of feeling one you only get when your pregnant feels different then when you get your period. That was with my first child, my second child I had no idea I was pregnant till I was at the doctor and got a test done there cause I didn't want to go buy a pregnancy tests. I was caught off guard with the second, pretty much started crying in the doctors office cause I was so happy. Each pregnancy is so different I noticed a big difference carrying a girl compared to a boy completely different symptoms. Good luck!!

  2. How exciting! The sign I always got at about 4 weeks was feeling sick to my stomach when it had been a while since I had something to eat.

  3. with Allison i was just sick, i thought it was a bug since she was a surprise, and i miscounted when my period was due so i thought i was only a week late, turned out to be 3 weeks late! and with Kaylee, i didn't even know until we took the test the day after my period was due. so it really varies from person to person.

  4. Thanks for sharing ladies!!!!!!!!! I always love hearing about other people's stories!!!!!!
