Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Cloth Diapers!!!

Since Evelyn arrived a little earlier than anticipated (and in the manner that she arrived), I didn't get a chance to blog about the cloth diapers that we signed up for.  We got the starter kit from Happy Nappy on April 20th!  Here's a photo of what it came with!
-Diaper Pail
-Diaper Pail Liner Bag
-4 Newborn Diaper Covers (left)
-30 Diaper Liners (right)
So basically every Friday will be pick-up/drop-off day.  I leave the pail liner bag outside our door and the Happy Nappy people will pick up all the dirty diaper liners and leave me a fresh bag of clean ones! No garbage...no cleaning!!!!  We had been using disposable diapers because I bought a pack of 30 premie sized and a pack of 36 newborn sized ones so we would have some to use at the hospital.  I bought the 2 sizes incase she was too small.  She totally fit into the premie ones but now we are just finishing up using the newborn ones so in a few days we will start using the Happy Nappy cloth ones! 

In addition I also bought a wet bag from Planet Wise.
This will allow me to change her in public and then bring the dirty cloth liners home without making a mess! Super cute!

Happy Nappy also has a Referral Program! So if you decide to go with them please do mention my name so I can get credit for it!!!!  Just give them my name 'Daisy Go' and let them know that you read about it on my blog!! Please and thank you in advance!!!!

1 comment:

  1. awesome! i wish i had known about these with my 2 girls. well when we have number 3 i am def going this route! :)
