Sunday, September 25, 2011

8th Week Update and Belly Pic!

WEEK 8!!!
YAY 8 weeks!!!! Finally!!!!! I can't wait for this week to be over with because I haven't passed week 8 in like a month!!!!!!  All this due date changing-ness had left me in the 6-8 week limbo for the past 3 weeks....thank GOODNESS week 8 is finally here and now I can move forward with the pregnancy!

Symptoms: I'm glad to report that I'm less tired!!! Starting to feel a bit of tightness/cramps/tingles all over the tummy area...guess it's going through another phase of expanding! The weird dreams have also started....I get about 2/3 per night!!! SO WEIRD!!!!!!
Mood: Still cranky but usually only at the end of the day after work when I'm the most tired.  I'm LESS tired...that doesn't mean I'm NOT tired HAHA
Cravings: Still nothing really.  I find that I will eat something and if I like it I'll eat it for a few days straight then get totally sick of it and then I'm forced to find something else to obsess on.  My appetite isn't getting better and sometimes I FEEL like throwing up but still haven't done so.  I much prefer snacking than eating an actual meal! 
Bump Measurement: (forgot this part last week): Still 28 inches!
Last week vs. this week at 8 weeks!!!  Grown much?? HAHA 
Another fun this I did this week...I went to the maternity clothing stores in my area (there's only 3) and tried on some stuff.  It was super fun to try stuff on with the pillow on my tummy HAHA I guess this is what I COULD look like in a few months (Christmas??) I LOVE the way a big belly looks on me!!! This is quite hilarious HAHAHAAH
I also got our first ultrasound photo framed!!! I love that 'coming soon' caption. It also came with the captions 'It's a Boy' and It's a Girl'...I will be using this frame to announce the gender when the time comes!!!!! Christmas this year is going to be SUPER awesome!! I'll have a real belly AND know what I'm having!!!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Second Doctor's Visit!

So I went for my 2nd Doctor's visit today after work.  This visit is after our first ultrasound...the one where we found out we were only 6 weeks and not 8.  Anyways we finally have an official due date!!!!

MAY 6, 2011

And I'm only actually 7 weeks as of TOMORROW.  

Ed and I were given 'homework' at our first visit which was to think about what we want in terms of prenatal care and birth choices.  We've decided to see a maternity clinic rather than an OB since my Doctor told us that it would be no difference for me because I'm totally considered a low risk pregnancy.  Also our Doctor told us that he has been told by past patients that the clinic doctors are more personable and relatable than OB's.  For birth choices we are choosing to give birth the traditional way in a hospital.  Royal Columbian Hospital is the only hospital in our area that do deliveries so we will be going I was delivered there too almost 29 years ago!!!  We think it'd be cool that my baby and I would be delivered in the same hospital.   

So now the official countdown begins!!!!  33 more weeks to go starting tomorrow!!!!!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

7th Week Update and Belly Pic!

WEEK 7!!!

So as I mentioned in my post about our ultrasound...our baby is actually not as far along as I had thought.  We are now in our 7th week!!!!
Symptoms: I'm still tired but I'm not even sure if it's all because of being pregnant really because I went back to work last week and just having to get up at 6:30 every morning is probably throwing me off after having 2 months off.  Not as crampy or sore anymore.  My boobs are still steadily growing but in less pain!  Less bloated now...thank goodness!
Mood: I'm still tired but that's basically it.  Just need a lot of sleep.
Cravings: I'm actually not as hungry as the last 2 weeks.  No cravings of anything in particular...just sleep! 
Sept 6 versus Sept 13...I'm definitely LESS bloated HAHAH

Saturday, September 10, 2011

The Name Game!

Ed and I have thought about names for our future children long before we even wanted to start a family.  Ed's dad and his 5 siblings all have names that begin with the letter 'E'.  Naturally, I asked him if he wanted to keep that tradition and name all our kids with names that start with an 'E'. At first he was totally against it because he said growing up he always thought it was lame.  But when we went to Baby's World a few weeks ago, one of the showrooms that they had had the name ETHAN in wooden block letters above the crib.  And since then Ed has been attached to that name.  So I started looking up 'E' names for girls and came across EMILY.  I've always loved this name and I think it's so classic and feminine.  Obviously we have no clue what we're having yet but as of right now, we love those names. 

Then we started thinking about middle names.  I had always wanted to name my kids' middle names after one of their grandparents' names.  But Ed suggested that since our last name starts with 'G' and if we are to name our kids with names starting with 'E' why not give them middle names that start with 'G' so that their initials read EGG!  Yes, Ed has some weird obsession with EGGS.  When we bought our first car together he actually asked the car insurance guy if the license plate '000 EGG' was available.  It was already taken.  And since our kids are technically our 'little eggies' I figured why not??  I think it's cute! We decided to look up names that started with 'G' and find ones that relate to the bible...since Ethan and Emily aren't actually IN the bible...I think anyways.  We came up with these...

Ethan Gabriel Go
Emily Grace Go

...for now.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

First Doctor's Visit, First Ultrasound and Baby's First Photo!!!!!

I had my first Dr's visit since I found out we were pregnant on Tuesday.  And then our very first ultrasound yesterday (Thursday).  
The Dr's visit was good.  They got me to pee in a cup upon arrival and when the doctor came into the room he said right away that it confirms that I'm pregnant without a doubt (cuz I also told him I tested 4 times already).  But it was SOOOO good to hear HIM say that I was pregnant!!!  I'd been waiting since Aug 22nd to hear those words come out of HIS mouth!!!  YAY!! So he asked me questions about my last period date and such and determined that since my periods are so irregular the only way for him to know how far along I truly am is to get an ultrasound.  I smiled and told him that I already made an appointment and it's Thursday....I just needed the requisition form.  He seemed impressed that I was on top of things!!  
I asked him what the chances are that we'll see the heartbeat and even hear it and he said we will for sure because the heart can start beating as early as 5 weeks and since my last period was July 12th, the heartbeat will definitely be present!  I'm soooo excited!!!!!!!! 
He told us that sex is ok unless I bleed a bit afterwards and if I do bleed to not have sex again until I go in to see him.  I asked him about HONEY and he said as long as it's pasteurized it is ok.  
He got me to schedule an appointment for next week once I'm done the ultrasound so he can write me up for blood work and discuss things further once we have a better idea of when the due date is exactly.  He gave us homework!!!! He told us to think about where we will want to give birth, if we want an OB or just a regular doctor from a pregnancy clinic.  He said that he suggests us use a regular doctor because I'm considered low risk...meaning I'm young, had no issues getting pregnant and have no family history of pregnancy problems.  He also told us that he's heard from a lot of past patients that they find OB's to be less personable and that doctors from the pregnancy clinic are more personable.  Also the nearest hospital from where we live that we could give birth at would be Royal Columbian Hospital.  I mentioned to him that I had considered Woman's Hospital (which is like a good 45 mins from where I GOOD traffic) and he said that's totally ok too but the only thing is that if my water breaks and my labour period is really short...I might not make it to the hospital in time...and that I should keep that in mind when thinking about it this week.  SO much to think about!!!  But I was born at Royal Columbian Hospital so wouldn't it be nice if my baby was too???  
The ultrasound was NOT what I a BAD way.  They used a regular belly scan on me at first and found NOTHING.  My heart SANK, but was told to not worry at all and that I'm probably not as far along as anticipated and that's why it's hard to see anything.  I ended up having to have a vaginal scan instead.  This is when they stick a 'stick' in you like a tampon and the camera is at the tip of that 'stick'.  So it felt like a semi-pap test.  I did NOT anticipate that at ALL!  Thank goodness they found something after searching!!  There was a heartbeat!!!!!!!!  Yes ONE...

Our baby is only the size of an appleseed which puts us at the 5-6 week mark.  The doctor there later confirmed that I'm closer to 6 weeks.  I was pretty disappointed.  I was annoyed that I had to mentally take 2 weeks back.  I was realllly happy that I had made it to what I thought was week 8 because my doctor had said that miscarriages are less likely to happen after the 8 week mark and even more less likely after the first trimester (3 months).  Also week 6 is usually when morning sicknesses are supposed to happen.  The puking and nausea...I had thought I was in the clear!!  Don't get me wrong I'm SOOOO happy that I got to see that little speck and that flashing light aka the heart beating.  But I was just totally not mentally prepared that I was actually 2 weeks set back.  

The reason why I'm not as far along as I had anticipated is because my period cycles are not the regular 28-30 day cycle lengths.  Mine are more like 35-40 day cycles.  And because of that my ovulation date is a lot later (most people ovulate close to 2 weeks after they get their periods).  So any online calculators I've used will not be able to determine how far along I truly am because they base their calculations on the average 28-30 day cycles.  BOO!!!

At least I have my next doctor's appointment already booked for next Friday!!  Hopefully my doctor will be able to give me a more accurate due date then.  And I'll most likely have to go for another ultrasound in 3-4 weeks so we can actually SEE something.  I totally do NOT mind having to go in for another ultrasound...if I had it my way...I'd go for weekly ones heheheheh.  CANNOT WAIT for the next one!!!!

Here's 3 more shots...
The white horizontal line in the middle there is the light of the heart flickering!
The 2 + signs shows the size of the baby!
The circle is the yolk sac that is holding my baby and will eventually become the placenta! 
We have officially announced on FB/Twitter (to the world basically) that we're expecting! Even though we're not as far along as we had thought we were...I do NOT want to wait any longer. I HATE secrets especially when it's about something AWESOME and I really want to share with everyone.  We announced it by posting our very first picture from our first ultrasound, making an album and adding a new member to our family on FB! Yes, my baby is on Facebook, front and centre, BEFORE it's even born! 

Oh and I've made this blog open to the public again since the secret is officially out! YAY no more hiding my baby from the world!!!!!! Feel free to spam my FB wall now! HAHA

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

8th Week Update and Belly Pic!!

WEEK 8!!!
September 6th marked the beginning of my 8th week of pregnancy! It was also the day I went back to I have my first Doctor's appointment after work as well! I'm really tired right now (it's 7:30pm) but I need to wait it out til at least 9 so I don't get up at like 3am and can't go back to sleep!!!  It was hard being at work today and not telling EVERYONE in the staffroom that I'm expecting! I've told the teacher I work directly with and also the teacher I worked with last year but other than one knows yet! The principal will be away for a few weeks and I was going to tell her first thing this morning but obviously I couldn't....I might have to tell the Vice Principal tomorrow since he's covering for her while she's gone.  I just don't want the 'boss' to hear it from other people before me telling them in person! 

Symptoms: All the physical pain has kind of died down...but I think it's mostly because my body has gotten used to being achy all the time??  Still tired all the time and want to sleep a lot.
Mood: Just a tad bit irritated from time to time because I'm so tired and sometimes when the cramps get a little worse it's annoying. I won't be getting my monthly visits from Aunt Flo for the next few months but the cramps sure have stayed and sometimes they're making sure I know of their presence! I'm also starting to realllllly annoyed with being hungry ALL the time.  I wake up most nights with my stomach growling but I'm SO tired that I can't even MAKE anything to I've been drinking down big glasses of hot milk.
Cravings: Still just pretty much any food.  Mostly I've been eating mashed potatoes, bok choy/corn/peas and chicken breasts LOADED with gravy...this has become my FAVOURITE dish! Been way to tired to even TRY coming up with a new dish...or wanting to get out to do grocery shopping!! 
Bump Measurement: (this is a new thing I'm adding!):28 inches around where the belly button is!!!
7th week versus 8th week!!!  Getting thicker!! My pants fit snug now!  

Monday, September 5, 2011

Things We've Done Since We Found Out We're Expecting - Photoblog!

So since Ed and I found out we were pregnant on Aug 22 we've done a few things I'd like to share! 
I went out to get a Pregnancy Journal right away...still need to
get started with it but I need to print out photos first! 
I picked up these books for Ed....and a few new ones for myself as well!

This is what we gave my parents when we told them we were pregnant!
A photo frame about Grandkids and a card that said Congratulations
On Your Grandchild! The envelope had Grandma and 
Grandpa Wu on it!!!
And this is what we gave my in-laws when we announced
to them that we're pregnant!  A cute onesie and a baby bottle!

Yup I'm taking FULL advantage of VIP parking at malls everywhere!!!!!
We went to Baby's World to check out strollers and cribs!!
Ed wanted price points on both these big ticket items....
time to save up $ and start thinking about our baby registry!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Our Little Baby Dragon

According to the Chinese Zodiacs our baby will be born in the Year of the Dragon!!!  This is a GOOD year for us Chinese folks (apparently)!!!!  Here's some fun titbits on our future baby according to his/her sign!!! My Dad and little sister are both Year of the Dragon as well and they're both VERY accomplished people!!!!  YAY!!! 

FYI: Ed and I are both the Year of the Dog!
People born in the Year of the Dragon share certain characteristics:  
Innovative, enterprising,  self-assured, brave, passionate, conceited, and quick-tempered. The Dragons are the free spirits of the Chinese Zodiac. Restrictions blow out their creative spark that is ready to flame into life.  So, they must be free and uninhibited.  The Dragon is a beautiful creature, colorful and flamboyant.  An extroverted bundle of energy, gifted and  irrepressible, everything Dragons do is on a grand scale - big ideas and extreme ambitions.  However, this behavior is natural and isn't meant for show.  Because they are confident, fearless in the face of challenge, they are almost inevitably successful. 
People born in the Year of the Dragon usually make it to the top.  But, they must be aware of that too much enthusiasm can leave them tired and unfulfilled.  They find pleasure in helping others, and you can always count on their help.  Even though they are willing to assist when necessary, their pride can often impede them from accepting the same kind of help from others.  Their generous personalities give them the ability to attract friends, but they can be rather solitary people at heart.  Their self-sufficiency can mean that they have no need for close bonds with other people.
Dragon people tend to take thrilling risks, and burn the candle at both ends so they are fortunate to be blessed with good health.  However, they can suffer bad health as a result of excess stress.  Symtoms of their personalities often stem from emotional outbursts and can range from tension headaches to depression to hypertension.  They can remedy these problems by maintaining their cool, implementing a routine in their daily lives, and practice meditation, Tai Chi or Yoga that soothe the mind and spirit as well as tone the body.
The Dragon is not the most domesticated of the Animal signs.  So, people born in the Year of the Dragon  prefer enjoying outdoor activities rather than staying at home.  They are extroverts who have a deep love for nature. Their homes should be as large and majestic as their personalities, providing space for the fiery temperament or emotional eruptions that accompany their character. They have true and sincere love, which comes from the depths of their hearts.
Dragon people are quite imaginative, always able to see new paths and will take a radical approach.  They have innate explorative spirit and  try to succeed at one stroke. They are very adaptable and are fit for various occupations, especially if those occupations allow them to take the limelight. They work hard, but would rather give orders than receive them.  They should avoid jobs that encompass too much routine, and should move toward jobs in which their self-reliance can be an asset.
People born in the Year of the Dragon like to spend money and are charitable themselves as well as with others.  Many Dragon people will take big chances with their finances.  It is very rare that  they remain poor for long.  They will always be straightforward in financial dealings and can always be trusted. 

Famous Dragon People: Calista Flockhart, Colin Farrell, Courtney Cox, Courtney Love, Dinah Shore, Isabella Rossellini, Julia Ormond, Juliette Binoche, Reese Witherspoon, Roseanne Barr, Sandra Bullock, and Wynonna Judd.

Friday, September 2, 2011

5th, 6th & 7th Week Updates with Belly Pics!

When we first found out we were pregnant (Aug 22nd) I was in my last day of the 5th week of pregnancy!  
Symptoms: Sore back, GAS (smelled like rotten eggs! EW), fatigue, sore throat.
Mood: Tired but happy because I was pregnant and lethargic most of the time probably because my hormones were going nuts.
Cravings: Spicy foods??  But I normally crave that a lot so not sure if it was cravings but I was really hungry though! And I'm usually really bad with drinking water but my body craved it and I drank A LOT and peed a LOT.
August 22, 2011...week 5 day 7...the day we found out!

August 23rd marked the beginning of my 6th week of pregnancy!Symptoms: Boobs became sore mid-week, back ached a lot, very sleepy and tired, still gassy!
Mood: I was indifferent most of this week because it hadn't sank in just yet and also because my hormones were going whack.  Once it sank in I was very scared because I worried about various things!
Cravings: Still the same....was always hungry!!!  
Officially 6 weeks on Aug 23rd, 2011!!!

7 WEEKS! (THIS week)
August 30th marked the beginning of my 7th week of pregnancy! This is the week before I go back to work BOOO!!!  
Symptoms: Sore boobs continue, sore abs (it was like I've been doing tons of sit-ups and my abs are really sore), needle pains in tummy, sore back, really sleepy all the time, PMS-like cramps
Mood: Pretty cranky...we'll leave it at that HAHA But I started becoming really excited this week and I think it's sunk in since I've set my appointments now!
Cravings: Just want to eat a lot....not craving anything in particular! I just eat any and I used to do!!
Ok so this photo isn't EXACTLY 7 weeks...LEFT: Aug 22nd RIGHT: Aug 29th aka 6 weeks 7 days...I'm totally growing already!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

I'm Pregnant!!!!!!!!!

***DISCLAIMER - Please do NOT post anything about this on my Facebook/Twitter (or anywhere else) if you are my friend on there.  This is TOP secret until I announce it publicly in about 2 weeks!!!!!***
~ Monday, August 22, 2012 ~
I'M PREGNANT!!!!!!!!! I cannot believe I'm typing this entry right now!! Today is Monday, August 22, 2011 and I  had just taken 4 pregnancy tests...ALL saying I'm pregnant!! I'm shaking and in shock right now!!!  Poor Ed has an exam tomorrow so he's too busy with that to even think about this right now....he HAS to do good and I'm kinda worried that this will add more stress on him because I know he's thinking 'CRAP now I HAVE to pass this course!!'  But he IS happy HAHAHA I went out straight away and got a little onesie to hang in his office so he can stare at it while he studied HAHA
I went out and bought this cute onesie for Ed the day I found out!
So here's how it all went down....
I took a test on Friday (today is Monday) and it was negative.  Actually, I had been taking tests all week last week and they were all negatives so I thought I'm probably not pregnant.  The last few days I had been SO TIRED.  I slept a LOT!!!  I just thought this was because my period was coming which is not unusual!  Today was day 42 since my last period and this is the longest of my cycles (I've had 42 day cycles before) so I was thinking my period will either be today or tomorrow.  I was talking to my friend Stacie on Facebook chat and she was like 'Just go take a test today!' so I waited a bit since I just peed and didn't test.  Ed came home from school at around 1 and I had already eaten. So while Ed ate I decided to go take another test.  I peed on the stick and left it in the bathroom and went on to do other stuff.  About 10 mins later I went to check on it and there was a VERY...and I mean VERY faint second line.  I knew that ANY second line meant that I was pregnant so I kind of ignored it and decided to test again with a DIGITAL test (the ones that say PREGNANT or NOT PREGNANT) so I can be sure.  Sure said PREGNANT and I went SCREAMING running to Ed waving my stick.  His eyes popped so big and we were just both in shock!!!  First thing he said was 'MY SUPER SPERMS WORKED!' HAHA

Right afterwards I started thinking about who we were going to tell first and in what order.  Obviously my parents were the first and probably my siblings...since they're all in the same house.
I went out to get groceries and picked up a card that said 'Congratulations on your Grandchild' and also a picture frame that said 'Grandkids are the joys of life'.  Ed wrote 'Grandpa and Grandma Wu' on the front of the envelope and inside the card he wrote 'little Wu's are coming' (even though our last name is Go HAHA).  We went over to my parents house and thank goodness everyone was there.  Ed handed my mom the card and frame (my dad was taking a nap) and like any mom's her age she had to hold the card far away to read it and was confused for like half a second.  I screamed 'I'm pregnant' and we all screamed.  My sister Clara was there too so she witnessed the whole thing.  I swear Tobey knew what was going on because he went over to where my dad was sleeping and started growling at him and then jumped up onto him waking him up HAHA My little sister Wanda and her boyfriend Chris were just heading in the door and my brother Neil came upstairs just in time for my dad to read the card.  A HUGE smile was on his face!!!  

As for Ed's parents...we are waiting until the weekend (September 3rd) to tell them....reasons for the wait....we really just don't know how they will react and also it's his Mom's birthday dinner night so we figure it'd be a good time to break the news.  I'll update you all on this once it's done!

  Then I'd call my BFF Mandy but she didn't pick up so I left like 3 messages.  Next I called my really good friends Grace and Amy.  Right afterwards Mandy called back and I broke the news to her. Next was Stacie but she was planning on coming over the next day already so I decided to wait and tell her in person (we jumped up and down and cried in disbelief that we are going to be PREGNANT AT THE SAME TIME and that we're only a month apart! Could not have been better timing!) It was so fun and exciting telling my closest girlfriends!!!

Anyways.....the last few days before I found out, I slept a I know why HAHA I had been SOO sleepy and lethargic and just wanting to sleep sleep and sleep.  No morning sicknesses so far (YAY!!)...I've just been really sore and my boobs hurt a LOT.  I also have been SUPER HUNGRY which is no surprise because normally I eat a LOT for my size.  I am eating SO SO SO much.  I'm also going pee a LOT too!  I'm SO excited!!! That was pretty much our first try!!!!!!!!  We're fertile for SURE!  Technically the 1st try back in June didn't totally count because I had thought that when the ovulation strip spiked it meant I was pregnant RIGHT THEN AND THERE.  I found out later that it actually meant I WILL BE ovulating in the next 24-36 hours.  So we totally missed it.  I feel SO blessed that we didn't have to wait to get pregnant and that it happened right away for us.  This is REALLY a blessing because I KNOW that this is not the case for most couples.  In NO WAY am I taking it for granted!!  

It was really funny because 2 days before we found out we attended a wedding (on Saturday) and I'm not kidding you...left, right and centre all these people from our old church were coming up to us asking if we were pregnant yet.  Not even if we want kids but straight up if we were pregnant.  I'm SO SO SO glad we didn't know we were at the time!!!!!  It would have been SO awkward because we wouldn't want people to know but didn't want to say we weren't either.  
~ September 1st, 2012 I am 7 weeks and 2 days! ~
So the baby's due date should be April 17 2012 (I'll know for sure after my first ultrasound next week)!  SPRING BABY just like I wanted!!!!  And it's PERFECT because Easter is on the first week so I will be able to start my maternity leave from work right after Easter Break! And I'm hoping I can go back to work September 2013 rather than after Easter 2013 but we'll see!!! My first visit to the doctor will be on Sept. 6th and my first ultrasound will be two days after that on Sept 8th!! I'm currently in my 7th week (Tuesdays are the beginning of my weeks) and already I'm noticing big changes!  Check out belly pics in my upcoming weekly blog updates (I'll have one tomorrow updating the last 2 weeks since I've known). We'll also get to know the baby's sex sometime during the first 2 weeks of December!!

So excited!!  Here's the very first belly pic I took right after we found out!!!  Totally nothing to see yet but I HAD to do it!!! YAY!! Finally it's MY turn!!! *Can you see Tobey looking at me in the pic on the left?? HAHA*

I took one myself first but figured it was hard
plus the lighting in the bathroom sucked!!
So I asked Ed to take it in the bedroom...much better!
I'll be doing this exact pose in this exact spot once
a week for the next 30-something weeks!!!

***DISCLAIMER - Please do NOT post anything about this on my Facebook/Twitter (or anywhere else) if you are my friend on there.  This is TOP secret until I announce it publicly in about 2 weeks!!!!!***