Friday, September 2, 2011

5th, 6th & 7th Week Updates with Belly Pics!

When we first found out we were pregnant (Aug 22nd) I was in my last day of the 5th week of pregnancy!  
Symptoms: Sore back, GAS (smelled like rotten eggs! EW), fatigue, sore throat.
Mood: Tired but happy because I was pregnant and lethargic most of the time probably because my hormones were going nuts.
Cravings: Spicy foods??  But I normally crave that a lot so not sure if it was cravings but I was really hungry though! And I'm usually really bad with drinking water but my body craved it and I drank A LOT and peed a LOT.
August 22, 2011...week 5 day 7...the day we found out!

August 23rd marked the beginning of my 6th week of pregnancy!Symptoms: Boobs became sore mid-week, back ached a lot, very sleepy and tired, still gassy!
Mood: I was indifferent most of this week because it hadn't sank in just yet and also because my hormones were going whack.  Once it sank in I was very scared because I worried about various things!
Cravings: Still the same....was always hungry!!!  
Officially 6 weeks on Aug 23rd, 2011!!!

7 WEEKS! (THIS week)
August 30th marked the beginning of my 7th week of pregnancy! This is the week before I go back to work BOOO!!!  
Symptoms: Sore boobs continue, sore abs (it was like I've been doing tons of sit-ups and my abs are really sore), needle pains in tummy, sore back, really sleepy all the time, PMS-like cramps
Mood: Pretty cranky...we'll leave it at that HAHA But I started becoming really excited this week and I think it's sunk in since I've set my appointments now!
Cravings: Just want to eat a lot....not craving anything in particular! I just eat any and I used to do!!
Ok so this photo isn't EXACTLY 7 weeks...LEFT: Aug 22nd RIGHT: Aug 29th aka 6 weeks 7 days...I'm totally growing already!!!!!!!!!


  1. WOW Stacie told me you were showing already! ARE YOU EVER!!!! I can't believe your little baby bump already! Your pretty tiny though so where else is it going to go but out! Are you having the cramps often? Any spotting? I would visit your doctor if it gets worse.

  2. Hey!!!! I know right??? So weird that I totally just grew over a span of a week!! My first Dr appointment is this Tuesday and ultrasound is Thursday....cramps come and go....I've never spotted at all!!! So I'm not too worried....if I do start spotting a lot I'll run straight to the Dr's!!
