Thursday, March 17, 2011

The much dreaded appointment

I did it! I made my appointment for my first ever PAP SMEAR.  

I was a little relieved when they didn't have any available time for me until April because my doctor is on vacation.  So I have about 2.5 weeks before the much dreaded appointment.  

I've been asking around about how painful the check-up would be and I've gotten a variety of responses.  Some have told me that it's like nothing while others have said that it's super painful...but not as painful as giving birth.  I'm more worried about the pain really than the doctor actually finding anything.  I don't have any relatives with a history of any types of cancer in that region so I think my chances are really good considering I'm only 28 too.  

I'm going to as Ed to go in with me for the procedure.  Anyone really think that's a bad idea??  Speak now!!  I figure if Ed's going to be there for all the other appointments that I'll be having when we ARE pregnant, why not start now?  And if he's going to WATCH me give birth, he might as well get used to the whole me-spreading-my-legs-and-having-someone-probe-down-there routine.  Plus, I already told him that if any form of pain is involved....he's going to at least make himself physically present while I'm experiencing the pain!  =D

I also made a dental appointment because that's what the book I read, What To Expect Before You're Expecting, told me to do.  Apparently my oral health is important for the baby too!  I really need to get into the habit of brushing EVERY morning and night and FLOSSING my teeth during both brushes too.  Sometimes I'm lazy and I just rinse with Scope/Listerine in lieu of brushing =S

Another thing I needed to change but already got a head start is nixing caffeine and too much sugar.  I used to have at least 2 big cups of tea every morning with sugar LOADED in it.  Most people who see me adding sugar to my tea will say, 'Umm would you like some tea with that sugar Daisy?' HAHA  So I've stopped having tea in the morning altogether and thus the sugar intake has decreased a LOT. 

*sigh* I'm really starting to realize how much sacrificing I'm in for once I'm actually a mother.  I guess we do crazy things for the ones we love eh?! 


  1. the sacrifices are well worth it trust me! i'm already starting to get itches for #3 :S so dear hubby has started purging the baby things i've held on it. he says another 2 years at LEAST, then we can talk. hehe.
    but the pap smear, not so bad since you're not a virgin hehe. just a bit uncomfy thats all, no pain.

  2. You'll also have to give up raw fish too when you're pregnant!

  3. Thanks Lisa!!! Your daughters are so cute!

    Sabrina....don't even get me started on what I can't have.....I told Ed that I'm eating Sashimi non-stop from now til we start trying....NOT looking forward to having no raw fish for sure!

  4. aww thanx daisy! although they are completely crazy as well! lol
