Sunday, February 5, 2012

27th Week Update and Belly Pic!

Symptoms: Poor sleep...Evelyn is nocturnal I think LOL
Mood: Tired but super excited!
Cravings: Sweets...I know NOT good! I think I'm going to have to start eating in the middle of the night when I'm awake and hungry too!
Bump Measurement: 35.25 inches (grew .5 inches!)
Weight: 108 lbs (I forgot to weigh myself when I first wrote this entry...this weight is for Feb 9th)

27 weeks!!!

week 3 vs week 27!! 
We have our bedding!!!!!!!! We will be going to pick out paint colours this week for her nursery!!!! Next week our tenants move out and we'll get to finally clear out her future room and start painting!! CANNOT wait!!!


  1. 27 weeks?! I swear you were 13 weeks like last week! times flies.

  2. I don't think I slept a full night during the last 6 months with Marshall. Enjoy these next few months because they will go by fast!

  3. Sarah I know!!! I can't believe I only have a little over 12 weeks to go!!!!!! AHHH!!!

    Amanda Ya sleeping has always been horrible for me even BEFORE pregnancy! I take FOREVER to fall asleep even if I'm tired! And now with bathroom 2/3 times a night and the bump getting bigger AND having to sleep on my's hard! Not going to whine though cuz I've had it SO easy and it's less than 2 months until I start my MAT leave'll be worth it!!!!!
