Thursday, May 19, 2011

My First Baby Purchases!!!!

*Before I even start let me make it clear...I'M NOT PREGNANT!  We haven't started trying yet...not until next month!!!*

So I was on Etsy looking for a gift because I'm going to a baby shower in a few weeks.  My friend's having a boy so I figured I should get her some PeePee TeePees!  I ended up getting myself a set too! Here they are! SO CUTE!!
ClothPadStore on Etsy

So I was trying to think of what other things I can get her/the baby and I stumbled upon these AWESOME stickers!  They're called Monthly Onesies Stickers!  Basically they are these cute stickers that go right onto a baby's one piece and you're supposed to take a photo of your baby with it on each monthly milestone!  Obviously I have no clue what Ed and I will be having...boy or girl...or both?!!  So I got one of each!  
lilbabybumble on Etsy
And THEN I stumbled upon Belly Bump Stickers!!!! THESE got me SOO excited!  These are pretty much the same thing as the Monthly Onesies Stickers but they got on the mama-to-be's for each month starting at 8 weeks!!!!! Here it time y'all see this again it will be on MY tummy announcing my baby!!! YA!!!!!
babyfables on Etsy


  1. Hey! I just found your blog through Between the lines! I'm in the vancouver area myself. Love the picky stickies...a warning about the peepee teepees though... they are more hassle than help! I have a 20 month old, and when we had him, I thought I would want those too. But I soon realized it takes more time to get one on, than it does to just change the diaper. You start to notice the signs of a gyser, and you just go faster!!!
    Can't wait to hear an announcement!

  2. Hi Ashley!! Welcome to my blog!!!!! HAHA Thanks for the tip about the peepee teepees! Ya I imagine washing them will be a pain too HAHA I hope I'll be able to announce something soon!!! Thanks for following!!
