I CANNOT believe that Evie is already 3 months old. As a friend reminded me...she is a QUARTER OF A YEAR OLD!!! CRAZY!!!
This past month I've noticed HUGE changes in her development and these have made her even more fun to play with! She's definitely way more interactive and responsive than ever before!!
She's still not napping much during the day but at least she's sleeping for 8 hours!!!
Evie at 3 months can...
~Smile, smile and SMILE!! Actually it's more like she can LAUGH now!!!
~Hold her head up and look around when I put her on my shoulder
~Kick, kick and KICK!! She loves kicking!!!
~Make a VARIETY of noises...she LOVES to 'talk'!!
~Respond to my voice AND look for me when she hears it!
~Follow me with her eyes when someone else is holding her
~Sit upright on the couch beside me as long as she's in a nook
~Sit up and look around in the forward facing position when being held
~Notice toys and stare at them